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Serves: 4
If they like it, it serves 4 otherwise  - thinking face emoji
Preparation time: 20 minutes
Cooking time: 15 minutes
Totaltime: 35 minutes


  • 4 6-ounce sirloin steaks, trimmed
    1 tablespoon olive oil
    1 teaspoon soy sauce
    1 teaspoon dry basil
    1/4 cup dry red wine
    2 teaspoons coarse black pepper
    1 tablespoon canola oil
    1/3 cup Cognac
    1/2 cup brown sauce
    1/2 cup heavy cream
    1 tablespoon chopped parsley


  • Arrange steaks in a shallow dish. Combine oil, soy sauce, basil and red wine. Pour over steaks and marinate for an hour. Sprinkle pepper over both sides of steaks.
    Press peppers to adhere meat.
    Heat canola oil in a cast iron frying pan over high heat. Brown steaks on both sides to the desired doneness.
    Pour Cognac over steaks. Ignite.
    Transfer steaks to a serving platter. Add marinade liquid, brown sauce and cream to pan.
    Reduce sauce to medium thickness. Season to taste and pour sauce over steaks. Sprinkle with parsley. Serve with potatoes and vegetables.
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Steaks au poivre

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