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Serves: 8
If they like it, it serves 8 otherwise  - thinking face emoji
Preparation time: 15 minutes
Cooking time: 10 minutes
Totaltime: 25 minutes


  • 8 egg yolks
    1 8-ounce can frozen orange juice
    4 oranges
    2 cups whipping cream
    1/2 cup sugar


  • Combine the first three ingredients in a large stainless bowl.
    Whisk over a pan containing boiling water until the mixture triples in volume.
    Transfer to an electric mixer and continue whipping until mixture in cool.
    Whip the cream until firm. Add sugar gradually while mixing. Gently fold cream into orange mix and spoon into a decorative mold or individual dessert dishes.
    Allow to freeze for at least an hour then unmold on plates or serving platter.
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Orange parfait

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