Botswana - This recipe is by - A Chef in your kitchen. ">Epicurian TimeFacebookLinkedInEmailPinterestTwitterInstagramYouTube IconNavigation Search IconMain Search IconVideo Play IconPlus IconMinus IconCheck IconPrint IconNote IconHeart IconFilled Heart IconSingle Arrow IconDouble Arrow IconBLT IconTV IconClose IconSortedBLT/Search Icon
The foods of Botswana Africa has long been regarded as the cradle of humankind, but scientists seeking a more specific location have narrowed in on northern Botswana as the "homeland" for all modern humans, according to a new study.
There, south of the Greater Zambezi River Basin, which includes northern Botswana and parts of Namibia and Zimbabwe, the ancestors of Homo sapiens began 200,000 years ago, the researchers said. One wonders what their diet would have been.
The national dish of Botswana is called Seswaa. This consists of a meat stew served over thick polenta or pap. The stew is made by boiling meat with onion and pepper. The cuisine of Botswana is unique but also shares some characteristics with other cuisines of Southern Africa. Examples of Setswana food include pap, samp, vetkoek, bogobe and mopane worms. Watermelons are believed to have originated in Botswana.